
It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the park to PLAY.
Swings were wet … slides were hot …
it was high noon … and we had a blast.
I was with one of the grand little men!
Athens Regional Park must think 2 – 5 year olds have muscles out the wazoo,
because I could barely turn this ‘exploring dial’.
Judah said “I can do it”.
And he did.

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Kids are resilient and strong.
They get up when they fall down – move on and FORGET about it.
They fly boldly into new things and situations
… and when cranky they can take a nap and all is right again!

Judah reminds me that:
* life is very good no matter what’s happening in the background
* simple things bring lots of joy
* there’s always someone watching you
* it’s good to try new things – just ‘get out there’.

And you never outgrow a nap … sometimes the world just needs a reboot!