We have 2 (among many) dogwood trees in the backyard that have been
home to hummingbirds every summer … for years.
Though I’ve never seen a nest, we can see them perched in the trees,
and they fly from there to the deck feeders and back
at all hours of the day … ramping it up in the evening.
They’re sweet and feisty and really not too afraid of people!
If I happen to be sitting on the deck and they notice ‘near empty’ feeders,
they’ll actually fly a little further into the deck and scold me
… for not keeping up.
It can get quite loud quite often because I’m not so great with keeping up.
Today since I was outside all day … reading … taking an online class …
I left the camera on the table with a 70 – 200 lens attached.
Whenever the humming started (seriously … THAT is why they’re
called hummingbirds), I could turn and start taking pictures.
Cloudiness of the syrup says it’s overdue for a change
but this little guy didn’t seem to mind at all. He SEEMED to REALLY like it.
And I’m not sure what that says about hummingbirds …