It’s the beginning of April, and we’re on to the end of another school year.
As a senior, you may be feeling that graduation day is taking FOR. EV. ER.
But one day (unless you become a professional student) you look back
at high school years, college years … or your ‘young married’ years
and say “that went soooooo fast!”
Whether born and raised with country in your blood or big city bred,
time is universal … we all get 24 hours a day.
Whether a student, or the senior up in years, we each
have just one ‘page’ to write each day.
Lets make the story a good one, one satisfying to read
in years to come – or tomorrow. We’ve all heard …
“Be strong in the things that matter.” “Dream big dreams.”
“Don’t forget where you came from … and who you belong to”!
Future generations will ‘read’ what happened today.
One day at a time … live well … write well.