Passing The Test

People make and keep pictures with an eye toward the future.
We document events and family gatherings, capture kids growing up.
I have this black and white picture of grandpa as a boy, standing in front of a
blanket hung against their house (front and center … ruffled shirt and plaid tie).

It’s a favorite that sits in a silver frame, on top of the piano, displayed where I can
enjoy, think, and wonder about it … taken a long time ago yet I still have it!
Someone traveled to their home to photograph and they all dressed up.
I’m glad they did.

This spring, I completed a personal goal, one I’ve had
since first reading about it in Professional Photographers of America magazine.
The now-present CPP box received last Thursday represents years of practice,
study, work, investment, and finally testing and image evaluation.
It’s one result of having had the opportunity to travel and photograph
families – just as someone did for my grandpa.

Certified professional photographer cleveland athens knoxville tennessee

The certification process,
with required study, application, and prep work makes one more mindful.
It requires knowing how to ‘make’ a picture – not just ‘take’ one.
The CPP path is “education every day”.
Currently PPA (Professional Photographers of America) recognizes
fewer than 2,500 Certified Professional Photographers.
Someone asked, “ … less than 2500? … what!?” …

Likely Reasons you don’t see more CPPs:
* The general consensus is that photography is a hobby – no testing required.
But just like you choose a dentist who knows ‘teeth’ and how to use the tools,
you can choose a certified photographer who understands a little more.
* No one enjoys being tested, evaluated or having to submit to critique.
* You have to study (no explanation of that needed …).

Many thanks have gone out to those who have helped me but none deserve
thanks so much as my family … they’ve done a lot of smiling for me
over the years and are my very best blessings!

Family Portrait Athens TN
Family Portrait Athens Tennessee Photographer
Child Portrait Cleveland Athens TN Photographer
Family Portrait Picture
Family Photograph
Family Together Picture Photograph
Grandfather Granddaughter Family Picture