one of the best times to capture a classy family portrait
with beautiful neutral colors that fit any home decor.
Add a pop or splash of your favorite color with jeans (always appropriate
dressed up or down) or make family portrait day less casual and more special
(and follow it with a really cool dinner together somewhere)!

family portrait cleveland athens madisonville tennessee photographer

Four Tips To Help Prepare For A Family Session:

* Plan Your Clothing Carefully
This will make or break the look of your finished portrait.
Plan ahead and get me involved with the choices.
Seriously, I’ll be glad to come to your home and look over the options,
helping you make the best color and pattern decision between “this or that”.
You’ll be GLAD you spent time on this because
it never works out to just tell people,
“Dress up tomorrow …
wear blue …
we’re having our picture made.”

* Keep It Simple
Since we focus on faces and personality, and not just clothes,
you’ll want to choose a coordinating rather than matching
color scheme, and add punches of color with accessories.
You might consider choosing one subtle print
(in a sweater, skirt, shirt, or scarf for one person)
and pull all the other outfit colors from that print.

Looking for clothing or color ideas? Visit Pinterest: Plan A Portrait Session

* Arrive Rested
Try to arrange for a session time just after (not before) regular naps or meals.
This helps immensely in avoiding meltdowns and “Hangry” (Hungry-Angry).

family portrait cleveland athens madisonville tennessee photographer

* Ask Dad …
Really, it’s usually Mom who does the planning, but it’s important
to get Dad involved as a cheerful helper.
It makes a HUGE difference!
When one adult is detached, disinterested, or just plain
doesn’t want to be there … the attitude spreads so quickly.
Kids LOVE to do things with a Dad eager to participate!

Lets get it on the books! 423.507.4350

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Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse.
“It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time,
not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”
(Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit)

They fly by so quickly … the days of ‘child’ … chubby hands, tiny voice.
When you’re in the middle of it, it certainly doesn’t feel ‘fast’,
but before you know it, the baby hands are gone … school is completely over (!)…
and the house is calm and quiet again (or for the first time).

cleveland athens tennessee portrait photographer

A little Miss started to leave out the door after her appointment
and then quickly turned back, at the same time saying in her 2 year voice
“I forgot! … kisses! …”.
As a ‘Dee’ at heart, I gladly accepted them … my own little kisses have ‘flown away’!

Everyone knows nothing moves as quickly as a good time …
there’s also nothing as valuable as the image that takes you back to it.

(If you happen to currently live in a toddler house,
enjoy … oh my goodness, enjoy the season because they are yours
and they are THERE.
Take the nap that seems like a luxury once in awhile and work hard to find
the daily hour ‘just for you’ that refreshes and revives.
You won’t be ‘bushed’ for long … truly.
Love, Dee)

One of the reasons often heard
for not investing in a session album or folio box isn’t related to cost.
It’s “what would I do with something like that?” …
“where would I put it?”

I think the initial reasoning behind that is real as we all have a style
and distinct way of decorating … we don’t like to make expensive ‘mistakes’!
That’s why a custom image collection can be anything you want it to be …
It’s made to order. It’s YOURS.
Where ARE the pictures you had taken at your last portrait session?

portrait album athens tennessee

Subtle leather or linen never goes out of style and is always a rich accent.
Non-traditional covers and materials satisfy the taste for ‘unique’.
And while mentioning unique, remember it doesn’t have to be an album!
Just like every session results in images uniquely you,
your keepsake collection is designed with and for YOU,
to be something you totally love and want to keep out on display.
It might be a glass, linen, or wood box, a flip book, or an easel.

cleveland athens tn glass photo box

photo prints cleveland athens tennessee photographer

You’ll always be glad you have it!