Love Love LOVE these pictures
(bottom line … I just plain love babies).
And I truly understand and appreciate the hard work and love
that comes with bringing them into the world today.
It’s a big deal to be responsible for shaping a life …
it has to be a very selfless thing …
but it can be one of the most rewarding of life’s challenges.
EVERY life has purpose.
Our own four and their own littles are so much JOY …
their purpose showing up more and more every day.

Last week, while looking forward to being able to photograph
our own little Miss who just entered ‘our world’ in September,
I had the the opportunity to photograph Mandi and Josh
with the little Miss they’re soon expecting:

Maternity Portrait Photographer Cleveland Athens Tennessee TN

She will be ‘joy’ and one day will surely appreciate being able to
see how Mama and Papa loved her right now …
how they looked forward to her coming!
Maternity pictures, like the wedding pictures, are once-in-a-lifetime captures
that will be considered ‘heirloom’ by future generations.

Portrait Photography Cleveland Athens Tennessee TN
Cleveland Athens Tennessee Maternity Portrait Photographer
Cleveland Athens TN Maternity Portrait Photography
Maternity Portrait Cleveland Athens Tennessee Photographer
Maternity Photography Cleveland Athens Tennessee TN
Maternity Pictures Cleveland Athens Tennessee Photographer

Graduations, summer weddings, and now it’s baby season!
We’ve added 2 little ones to our family in the last 6 weeks
and ‘everyone I know’ is expecting a baby …

Cleveland Tennessee TN Photographer Athens Knoxville Portraits and Weddings

Wee ones are my very favorite subjects …
( … aside from weddings … and graduating seniors … ha).
It’s said that you can’t be much of a ‘specialist’ if you offer the whole gamut
of pictures from landscape and animals and food to people.
But aside from being asked occasionally to do other things,
I CHOOSE to concentrate on 3 ‘special to my heart’ subjects:
graduating seniors, brides and weddings – and newborns.

They fit quite nicely together actually.
This winter after 8 years I’m coming full circle to photographing
newborns for ladies that I’ve captured as seniors and on their wedding days.
I like that …
continuity with just a little change as life goes on.

Expecting a baby in your family?
Here are a few portrait session tips to keep in mind wherever you go:

* Your session should take place before ‘10 days old‘.
This is the BEST time for their curling up and falling asleep …
reaching the deep relaxed sleep that allows for comfortable posing.
Of course it’s a must that you choose someone you trust with handling your baby.
(We’ve had 4 children of our own and as ‘Dee’ I now enjoy another 5 littles!)

* Expect the session to last 1 – 2 hours.
A slow pace and a comfortable baby result in great pictures.
We stop to ‘change and feed’ as necessary – and it usually is!
If you’re at my home, you’ll be given a comfy chair and beverage for refreshment.

* Baby should be well fed and freshly diapered before arrival (though we all know that changes).
If you desire ‘baby skin’ pictures, bring baby diapered and wrapped
in a warm blanket – no clothing … no socks. We’ll have no crease lines to edit out,
and there will be less disturbing of their sleep for clothing removal or change.

* Relax and enjoy your session.
At my home (or yours) it’s quiet, no voices above a whisper, the sound machine is on …
and babies LOVE my warm beanbag. Wraps and diaper covers are freshly washed
and available. And you may choose to bring up to 3 favorite head pieces or accessories.

Lastly … call me with the due date and lets get it on the calendar!

Senior Portrait Photographer Cleveland Athens Knoxville Tellico Plains Tennessee TN

Pretty, spunky, energetic and bubbly
she plans to study makeup artistry.
She will be skilled at it no doubt
(I may hire her for portrait sessions one day)!
Her friends are blessed to have such a
smiling friend and I feel fortunate for having spent time
with the lovely young lady and ‘mom’.
Starbucks were consumed, red balloons tamed and enjoyed,
and some FAVORITE pictures resulted!

She is “Sarah – Senior 2016″.

Senior Portrait Photography Photographer Cleveland Athens Tellico Plains Tennessee TN
Portrait Wedding Photography Photographer Cleveland Athens Tellico Plains Tennessee TN