Prints on display in your home quietly but surely say,
“We’ll always remember …”
“This is important …”
“You are special”.

Photographer in Cleveland Athens Knoxville Tennessee

Newborn Photographer in Athens Cleveland Tennessee

Having been in business over 15 years
I serve the Cleveland and Athens Tennessee areas,
absolutely LOVE small town living,
and specialize in “Family Milestones”.

Every session results in print with files for backup.
Truth is that digital files belong to you only until
you can’t get them out of a failed device.
Then they’re “electronic dust” and gone forever.
But a frame, custom album, or special image collection
is something to hold and OWN.

That might be more than you were looking for – but it’s the best
and everything you’ll love from the day you receive it!

Athens Tennessee Photographers

Monday is the ‘day of rest’ for me
since Sunday definitely isn’t (and never has been).
Being involved in ministry usually means being involved in many things
and that has proven true all the years we’ve been married.
It’s a completely joyful, satisfying, totally tiring experience,
accomplished with love and thankfulness.
So while my full-time working husband is not so fortunate,
I rest on Mondays
(and am soooo thankful to him for being able to do that!).

On this day there is no errand running, the Keurig is ON,
and the stack of reading is HIGH (or “Kindle”).
Do YOU have a day, or at least a few hours, every week?
Truth says “come apart and rest awhile” or you just might fall apart …
and it’s no fun to fall apart – physically or mentally.

This afternoon I’m reading a favorite journaling magazine,
Where Women Create,
for the practical tips that fill up my vision tank.
It’s possible that what spoke to me today just might speak to you too!

* Slow Down
Nothing done in a hurry is ever done well.
Do days ‘blur’ together as you run mindlessly from one thing to another?
Try to ‘be present’ in any task, reflect on the process and your contribution.
“Consider the work of your hands” as you work.

* Focus forward and don’t look back.
How MUCH time do we spend thinking about a past that can’t be changed?
Negativity breeds like CRAZY when we dwell on regrets
or things that didn’t go well.
Yesterday is done.
Do today.

* Work with passion, an open mind, and generosity.
And remember, we never recognize success without occasional setbacks.
“Falling down” or “failure” is experience …
good and helpful experience.
Trust your instincts.
Know and set limits.
Be kind to yourself.

** And be “full of grace” with every one you meet today.
They are just “doing life” too …

Cleveland Athens TN Portrait Wedding Photographer

Birthdays this week
for little ClaraBelle Joy, and Andrew, hubby to our Bonnie girl!
Andrew had ‘the best’ cheesecake made by a friend,
so tasty that people look forward to having birthdays.
We’re thankful that they, living in the middle of the Pacific,
were spared a direct hit last week by Typhoon Mangkhut.
And since tropical storm Florence encouraged our Raleigh, NC
kids to “get out of dodge” and come visit for a few days,
we’ve had ‘weather’ on our minds!

Today, everyone is safe … everyone is dry …
and full of dessert!