portrait photographer in Cleveland Athens TN

Couples develop ties, best friends share a special bond,
but I’m pretty sure there’s no tie as strong as
the one a mother feels toward her children.
Even when they’re grown and long gone from the house
with families of their own, that tie (at least on mom’s part)
doesn’t feel any ‘less’.

“No kids at home” was hard for me the first few years,
going from a household of ‘6’ to ‘2’.
You’d think one would have been jumping up and down at having more time,
but no.
It can be hard while you’re looking for purpose and place – aside from children.
(Right now you either totally identify with what I’m saying
or you still have kids at home and are thinking “what?!? …)

Thankfully, when the years pass,
you can be reminded of when they were little, or close,
because a picture always takes you back.
“It’s all about time.”

Beautiful Kendall
student at Armfield Dance Academy in Athens Tennessee:

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She graduated to toe shoes a couple years ago,
and mom thought, “ballet portraits”.
With vacations, youth camp, church activities, and general ‘teen life’,
the portraits didn’t work out for another year.
An extra year of height, but her poise needed no lift at all!
Grace, beauty, and youth …
a powerful – and memorable – combination!

The pictures you treasure for a lifetime are ALWAYS about time.
Moments, ages, and stages … loved ones grow and change,
but you can capture THIS forever.
Go back to it whenever you want, and it only becomes more
valuable with passing days and years.

ballet portrait photography cleveland athens sweetwater tennessee

ballet portrait photography cleveland athens sweetwater tennessee

We’re laboring AND resting today.
So great to have the occasional 3 day weekend to ‘catch up’.
The deck I love has been refinished and put back in order,
laundry done, yard mowed, ribs are in ‘The Big Green Egg’
and aside from driving to Buddy’s BBQ for the only potato salad
you should ever ever buy,
work is done early in the day with time left to read and write.

Husband is out on the farm, but without the help of these two
awesome guys …
and without his 4-wheeler and sprayer:

family photographer athens tn

If you happen to see someone with a “new” 4-wheeler like this one,
feel free to let us know.
Someone decided 2 weeks ago that THIS 4-wheeler was the one for them.
And using their handy dandy set of chain cutters on the barn gate,
they took the 4-wheeler – AND the necessary gas cans and gas
(gotta have fuel to run it, right?)

That can be life.
Thankfully we were stolen from, and not the ones doing the stealing …
and next time they come they need to remember to smile for the cameras!