This weekend, more graduations as we march our way to Memorial Day and summer!
One of my favorite things to do is go back through old pictures
(I get stuck in there for hours and hours and hours).
While looking back this week at past graduations I came upon these:
The girl graduated long ago and is halfway around the world doing life with her husband.
But ‘little man’, this fall, is off to kindergarten.
Yep. I’m talkin’ ’bout you buddy:
Hard to believe.
And this is why you NEED pictures of little ones, older ones, family and friends.
Because one day (quicker than you think) they’ll not be little (or near) anymore.
And when you go through your computer, family album …
or pass the the refrigerator door tomorrow,
these will make you smile just like they did the first time.
It will feel like yesterday again!