Boats are docked, swimmies packed away ’til next year,
and school has been in session over a month already.
Corn shocks, hay bales, and pumpkins are showing up around the neighborhood
along with mums and bittersweet.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” [Albert Camus]
Fall is my FAVORITE season …
warm color, cool crisp air, comfy cozy sweaters and
(in spite of their value to southern girls)
my flip flops will be tossed into the back of the closet.
“Hello Fall and HOLIDAY season!”
(Christmas will bring FIVE little ones – age 5 and under – to visit this year … JOY!)
“Goodbye summer” … and “Thank You” my dear Iowa friends
for contacting me again this summer. You are ‘family’!