“I want you to be little forever and ever.
I want you to grow up absolutely never.
In my arms I want you to stay … and never … ever … go away.”
If only! …
There’s something pretty sweet about a little one old enough to walk,
yet small enough to carry.
THAT period of time passes so quickly and hand holding soon becomes
sometimes weighty guidance in which way to go.
There’s a lot to love though about this uniquely ‘little’ time!
One of my favorite subjects is “children with genuine expression”.
Both children and adults eventually warm up to a camera,
but even then, it’s usually just a few seconds at a time when
genuine ‘selfless’ moments can be captured.
I love (and look for) those for you … when you’re just being ‘mom’ …
and they’re full of loving.
The kiss that will last a lifetime: