Cleveland Athens Tennessee Photographer

One of the more difficult questions to ask yourself
when you love taking pictures is “what’s really worth keeping?”
Even a pro doesn’t shoot everything ‘spot on’.
Basketball, volleyball, or baseball pictures with no basketball,
volleyball, or baseball in sight pretty much go to the bin for me!

This is what good photographers do
capture, cull, and edit for ‘very best’.
It’s hard, especially if they’re your babies, to send them to the trash bin
(someone just read that and was horrified), but keepers are the goal!
Really, no one needs a LOT of pictures.
Digital makes us a little less intentional and a little more shutter happy.
We can take a thousand at Disney when we may have shot 6 or 7 rolls of 24
years ago (while trying not to ‘waste’ the film).
Hundreds of event pictures are probably not all worth keeping,
but there will be one or two in there that really shine.
And special shots deserve to shine happily-ever-after in print,
the memory and moment placed somewhere in the house for years to come …
a gift portrait, an album addition, or perhaps a new print for the keepsake box.

The picture above is one good Pop.
In this moment his girl only had sparkly eyes for him!
She doesn’t and will never remember the day or occasion, but in years to come
she’ll be able to look at this picture sitting on the side table
and know that Pop felt the same way about her.

Save and print the keepers.
(And be mindful about pushing that shutter button.
That can make the difference between being ‘in’ life
instead of just trying to record it …)

The goal. The dream. The ‘next big thing’.

Immediate satisfaction is “today’s way”, but it’s really the work in attaining a goal
and the time it takes to see it happen that makes any
dream-come-true all the more sweet and worth celebrating.

In an instant society where everyone says “you can have it right now”,
it’s easy to forget that there’s value in the process of working hard,
sometimes having to wait a long time for something.

These were lessons learned today from little feet …
one day at a time … progress …

“Even baby steps move one forward.”

Newborn Portrait Photography Cleveland Athens Tennessee

Storage for your best memories and the digital portrait suite:
A handmade, 100% recycled organic cotton keepsake box,
a 5 x 7 print collection and crystal USB …
for baby – or family …
“Rose Gold and Beautiful”:

Cleveland Athens Tennessee Photographer
Photographer Cleveland Athens Tennessee
Wedding Portrait Photographer Cleveland Athens Tennessee

Link: Newborn Portrait Session Information